How is prostate cancer treated? If you're concerned about this, Kapoor Nursing Home (KUC) offers the best prostate cancer treatment. We are a multi-specialty urology center with the goal of providing comprehensive urology services under one roof with world-class standards and cutting-edge technology and expertise. Call us at 0172-2634811 to schedule an appointment.
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Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Minimize your Risk of Kidney Stones
On the off chance that you know somebody who has had a kidney stone, you know somebody who has likely encountered a portion of the most noticeably terrible torment of their life. Since stones are more predominant in men than in ladies, and in light of the fact that one session with kidney stones makes a higher probability of another, we need to assist you with executing propensities that will lessen your danger.
Kidney stones are little gems that structure in the urinary parcel. They might be involved in oxalate and calcium, or of cysteine, uric corrosive, or struvite. Calcium and oxalate stones are the most well-known. As though the difficult presence of stones was insufficient, this condition can prompt other, more major issues, for example, disease or kidney rot.
Examination on kidney stones has uncovered that there might be a few dietary propensities that bring down one's danger of introductory or future stones. These include:
- Drink however much water as could reasonably be expected. Generally, 10, 10-oz glasses of water are suggested. Drying out is a key danger factor in creating urinary stones. Drinking jazzed refreshments, and liquor may dry out you further. Apple juice vinegar and lager, regardless of what you have heard, don't help forestall stones or help with the stone section. Changing from normal to slim down soft drink might be useful however doesn't assume then the position of drinking water.
- Lemon water gives you essential potassium citrate. This alkalizing drink can restrain the development of stones by bringing down the causticity of pee. Potassium citrate can likewise keep existing stones from developing. For helpful advantage, you need 4oz of lemon juice for the duration of the day, added to water. Lemonade normally has an excessive amount of sugar and may not help with stone avoidance.
- Cutoff creature protein admission.
- Eat a lot of leafy foods. They contain potassium, fiber, magnesium, cell reinforcements, phytate and citrate, all of which may help shield stones from framing.
- Limit salt admission to diminish calcium in the pee.
- Decrease the measure of oxalate in your eating regimen. Nourishments that incorporate high measures of oxalate incorporate spinach, rhubarb, almonds, chocolate, peanuts or tea. You don't need to eliminate these things totally from your eating regimen however burning-through them with some restraint is suggested.
- Diminish refined sugar admission, as certain substances advance corrosive maintenance in the pee which can prompt uric corrosive stones.
- People who have had intermittent stones, mind-boggling, enormous stones, or created them as kids may require a broad assessment of their blood and pee to decide the specific reason.
Our training additionally offers enhancements to help decrease stone arrangement. These might be valuable on the off chance that you can't carefully stick to the dietary and way of life proposals above or can be utilized notwithstanding the other anticipation measures. This has a mix of nutrients and minerals intended to help and keep up ordinary pee science.
Inquiries regarding kidney stones? Call Kidney Urostone focus. Our urologists situated in Chandigarh are specialists in dealing with the basic and muddled stone sickness. We additionally endeavor to teach our patients on approaches to keep stones from shaping to dodge any further torment and lost time with family and at work. Check the best kidney stones Treatment at KUC.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Common Urology Problems found in Human Body
- Urinary Incontinence: This is commonly found in women and it can happen to men also. Under this problem, he/she not able to control their urine and stress, surgery and trauma are the most reason behind it.
- Urinary Tract Infection: Urinary tract infection is mainly caused by bacterial infection or microbes and affects the bladder area.It symptoms includes bloody urine, rectal pain in men, burning with urination and cloudy urine.
- Premature Ejaculation: These problems commonly found in men and in the younger generation. Mostly people hesitate to talk about it, but it can be treated. The common symptoms of premature ejaculation are distressed and frustration, changes in sexual methods, medication etc.
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: This urological problem commonly found in older men when the prostate gland size increases from its normal size and block the urine tract. The common symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia are urinating at night, blood in urine, feel to urinate but not able to etc.
Kidney Stones: Prevention, Treatment, and Expert Care
Kidney stones are a common yet painful condition affecting millions of individuals worldwide. These hard mineral and salt deposits form in t...
In the coming era, many numbers of people are suffering from urinary problems like prostate cancer, blood in urine and many types of urina...
Most of the time, we listen that women suffer from urological problems like incontinence and bladder infections. Whereas men may also suf...
In the human body, the kidney plays an important role in removing out the toxic substance in the form of liquid. The kidney is a part of ur...